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October 31st 1795

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Highland Halloween

“On All-Saints even, they set up bonfires in every village. When the bonfire is consumed, the ashes are carefully collected in the form of a circle. There is a stone put in, near the circumference, for every person of the several families interested in the bonfire; and whatever stone is moved out of its place, or injured before next morning, the person represented by that stone is fey (fated to die) and is supposed not to live twelve months from that day.” 
The Old Statistical Account for Callender

In Logierait, Halloween was also celebrated but in a more light-hearted manner. “Heath, broom and dressings of flax are tied upon a pole. This faggot is then kindled. One takes it upon his shoulders, and running bears it round the village; a crowd attend. When the first faggot is burned out, a second is bound to the pole and kindled in the same manner as before. Numbers of these blazing faggots are often carried about together and when the night happens to be dark they form a splendid illumination. This is Halloween and is a night of great festivity.” 

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