Christie the Cannibal
The ten years after the death of Bruce were difficult times for the people of Scotland. In addition to
the ravages of war, there was intermittent famine throughout the land. In Perthshire, according to the
historian Wyntoun “the land was so waste that it was a wonder to see; for within a great space there was
neither house nor lodging.”
There was at this time a man, Christie who lived in the hills near Perth with his wife. He prepared gins
and traps not for the ensnaring of wild animals but for human victims. And “That sorry life continued
he, Till waste but folk was the country.” Or in other words, his human sacrifices became scarce.
Eventually rumours began to circulate in Perth of his activities and men were sent out to search for
him and his wife. They were caught and Christie of the Cleek and his wife were executed for the crime
of cannibalism.